
The Charmed Abyss
The Charmed Abyss is an area of water between the two continents and Deliscord Islands that is deep and clear. You can see down to its depths no matter where you are and the fish are stunning. Mermaids sometimes can be seen in the waters, but they usually stick to the Bay of Mermaids near Shasrukar.

soo - lah - hah
Sulajah is located on one of the many small islands of Deliscord between the main island and Wustreron. The people here are friendly and gryphons cohabitate with the humans peacefully.

Volcano Island
This island is known for being tempermental. Some say it is home to an angry Ancient One that has yet to be discovered and others say it is just a volcano.

ih - hawl - deer
Ihaldir is an island off the main island that enjoys a connectedness with the gryphons that frequent the area. The priests and priestesses here are tough and fly on the backs of gryphons for fun.

day - reeb
Deirib is a small village located on the biggest island of Deliscord. The priests and priestesses here enjoy quiet solitude while they study the history of the world.

mawr - ihv - rihk
Marivrik is the capital of Deliscord and many of the priests and priestesses live and train here. Don't be fooled, these priests and priestesses aren't just hooded folk that are calm and placid. They train with daggers, swords, and a mystical stretching flow that is said to strengthen and rejuvinate the body and mind.

Temple of Vows

uh - mawr - rihn
Amarran is located on a northwestern island in Deliscord. The people here tend to keep to themselves and not much is known about them.

keel - ahr - vahn
Kilarvan is located on a long island just off of the main island of Deliscord. The people here enjoy the exotic fruits that grow on the many varieties of trees that grow on their island.

kohr - ehg
Khoreg is a cramped and busy island located in Deliscord. The people here welcome outsiders with smiling faces and are like a large family towards each other.